Covid-19 – Your questions answered!
Don’t let Covid-19 restrict your access to your doctor!
We are open and here to help the fearless women of NYC and if you are in self quarantine and need help we can offer “telehealth” consults ($70 fee if your insurance does not cover – please use the “Book and appointment” button to request a time.
If you or your family member are feeling sick and do not know how to proceed, please read this Covid-19 Fact sheet.
Is Covid-19 transmitted sexually?
So far, we don’t have any clear data in that regard. It’s transmitted by close contact (within 6 feet) of anyone having symptoms of the infection. We do not recommend any sexual contact/ kissing etc in such a situation.
Is it safe to go on a blind date or use a dating app in the current situation?
We recommend asking the 3 questions and if the answer to any is a “yes”… then you answer should be a “no”– Do you have a fever, cough, runny nose of other flu like symptoms?– Have you travelled outside the US in the last 14 days?– Have you been in close contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19?
Covid-19 and pregnancy – What if I am pregnant and I came into contact with someone who is positive?
So far we don’t have enough data to prove that Covid-19 is transmitted to the fetus. Since it is transmitted through air and droplet secretions, we recommend that if you are pregnant, you should be extra careful and avoid large crowds, avoid close contact with anyone with such symptoms and stay home if you can.
Will Covid-19 affect my birth control?
No. So far, we do not have any evidence that it does.
Is Covid-19 an STD?
So far, we do not have evidence that it is.
I am trying to get pregnant. Should I wait until the pandemic passes?
We recommend waiting, since at the point, we do not have enough data about how it will (if it will) affect the pregnancy and the newborn. It’s better to be safe and take appropriate precautions and delay your efforts if you can. If you are undergoing IVF etc, then we do recommend taking absolute care and stay home as much as possible.
What kind of vitamins and dietary precautions should I take?
We recommend taking a multivitamin, vitamin D, additional Zinc supplements and an anti-oxidant such as Omega-3. A healthy balanced diet, rich in greens and antioxidants can go a long way. Try to eat home cooked meals and thoroughly wash all your produce even if it says triple washed.
>>>>Stay tuned
Dr. Adeeti GuptaCEO, Founder